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Leopard Limbs

Our lives are made up of a series of events - big and small, happy and sad. All the milestones, encounters and special relationships in our time, shape us into the beings that we are today. Not only that, but these happenings also provide fertile ground for song-writing.


Love. Sex. Heartache. Loss. Discovery. Politics. Religion/Faith.


Everyone will have their own favourite songs that reflect a feeling, a memory or just bring joy in the moment. It’s what makes music so personal and so marvellous.



A song written jointly with a friend, Diane, around 1997. Never before recorded. Describing an event - or an encounter. Maybe it had a lasting effect? - only Diane knows for certain.

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Carry You Away

Sometimes, during one’s life a lot of things just piss you off. If you’re lucky, you have a soul-mate and together you dream and you scheme and you make things happen. Then, other times, you can’t change things and that pisses you off even more.

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For A Dancer

Greg Allman’s classic take on the song 'These Days' led me to Jackson Browne.  Supposedly, he wrote those lyrics at age 16/17. Such maturity and insight. Amazing.


This choice - another favourite of his, 'For a Dancer', is for my niece, Elise, and her dad, George. 


Elise became a performer and is 'the dancer'. There was a time when I thought I was “losing track” of where she was heading but now her first-born has arrived - unquestionably, a “reason to be alive”.


Not long ago my bro’ died of cancer - and “I still can't grasp it - as hard as I try”


With thanks to Stanley Franc and Canute for their input.

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